Location:  American Institute of Clinical Massage located at 4365 Inverness Drive, Post Fall,ID  83854

What to bring:  ​Tables and bolsters are provided.  Please bring sheets, face cradle cover, blanket, 2-3 regular bed pillows, robe, massage oil and holster, food and water, pen and paper for notes.  Wear loose fitting clothing.  There are plenty of restaurants near the school and we will have a one-hour lunch break.

Cancellation policy:  If cancelled before 7 days prior to class, you will receive a full refund of your $50 registration fee.  If cancelled within 7 days of class, you will receive a full $50 credit for future classes.  



Choose to attend the entire workshop of Shoulder and Pelvic girdle

Stabilization or just attend for one day.  Corresponding videos are 

included with every class.

Date:  TBD (Shoulder Girdle)   |  TBD (Pelvic Girdle)

Time: TBD

Cost:  Shoulder & Pelvic $450 | Shoulder only $275 | Pelvic only $275

Registration deadline: TBD

Medical massage class

American Istitute of Clinical Massage


​Everything you learn in this class requires proper body mechanics to prevent injury to you.  Body mechanics is an important way to keep you working for many years and feeling good doing it.  When massage is given with proper body mechanics, it can actually be a healthy workout for you instead of beating your body up.  Learn the important basic stances, shoulder alignment, hip alignment, foot alignment, which muscle group to use during certain positioning, self-care and what not to do.  Everything is taught with using forearms and elbows in mind so thumbs are never necessary.  Save those thumbs, they're precious!





The iliopsoas and quadratus lumborum (QL) act like a suspension bridge on the low back.  These under-treated muscles can be the underlying cause of pain from the groin to the neck and everything in between.  Learn how to use your elbow to give the iliopsoas the stretch of its life and to thoroughly release the QL in just minutes.  We will also be addressing eight other pelvic girdle muscle / muscle groups in addition to the IT band, lower legs and feet.  Effectively treat low back, sciatic and SI joint pain for good!

Dive into the deepest layers of the neck using your forearm, elbow and jostling/stretching techniques.  Effectively treat thoracic outlet syndrome, migraines, restless leg syndrome, whiplash and more.  This is done primarily sidelying and prone with techniques unique to Carol.  Clients LOVE this and will become your number one fan when they get their lives back! 


The rotator cuff can be the culprit of many shoulder and neck issues.  Learn how to unlock it using only your elbow in uniquely beneficial sidelying positions, granting you easier access to difficult regions.  This not only relieves pain but it resets proprioception which can be the underlying cause of many neuromuscular dysfunctions effecting the entire body.  We will also be addressing nine other muscle / muscle groups attached to the shoulder girdle as well as hands and forearms for a unified release that truly heals.

Class credits count toward most state licenses, including Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Montana.

register online or call/TEXT 509-868-9885


NCBTMB# 451909-12

This weekend workshop focuses on breaking up scar tissue through deep tissue myofascial release using primarily your elbows.  Save your wrists and thumbs!  We will mobilize every muscle attached to the pelvic and shoulder girdles through a sequence of pins and stretches, deep linear friction and deep static pressure.  Students will learn a comprehensive treatment plan that restores function and structural balance to rehabilitate a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. You will learn how to use your elbow with every technique, including psoas and subscapularis release, with emphasis on proper body mechanics.  The method is deep, deliberate and slow which allows the practitioner to develop sensitivity to the quality of the muscle tissue. When tuned into tissue, the practitioner can feel how the muscle is reacting, locate regions of subtle scar tissue and where to follow it. No more cookie-cutter massages. This is tailored to patient's individual needs. By releasing everything in this methodical way, the skeletal system can naturally reposition, decompressing nerves and blood vessels and correcting postural deviations. Within six weeks, the patient is usually fully recovered from nightmarish symptoms. This has successfully treated frozen shoulder syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, tendonitis, bursitis, myofascial syndrome, restless leg syndrome, migraines, fused vertebrae pain, arthritis pain, fybromyalgia pain, chronic post surgery pain and a multitude of other chronic disorders along with muscle or nerve pain from ANY part of the body. Carol's clientelle ranges from former NFL football players to current UFC fighters to little old ladies. Everyone can benefit from this technique.  Videos and PDF files of the presentation are included with the class.  

Only $50 to register!

Remaining balance due day of class.


Carol Knowles, LMP

​(formerly Carol Speaker)
